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发布日期:2017-07-04   浏览次数:
教师姓名:   陈祖爵
职务职称:   教授
所属系部:   通信工程
fb体育研究方向:   嵌入式计算及系统,无线传感器网络
联系电话:   88797508-511
电子邮箱:   chenzujue@126.com


3.数字电路计算机辅助测试与诊断. 机械部教育司科技进步一等奖(1993)
1.“粉粒物料自动定量充填新方法及应用fb体育研究”,江苏省高校自然科学fb体育研究指导计划项目(03KJD410071)2003-2005 2005年12月江苏省科技厅鉴定
2.“CAN总线在半挂车胎压及载荷监测中的应用”,江苏省汽车工程重点实验室开放基金资助项目(QC200607), 2006-2007
4.“温室新型变结构自组织无线传感网络测控系统fb体育研究”,国家高技术fb体育研究发展计划(863计划)( 2006AA10Z258),2007-2009
8. “镇江市内河交通突发事件应急数字化智能指挥系统”镇江市社会发展科技支撑项目(SH2009002) 2009-2011
9. “煤田火区无线传感器网络远程检测系统开发”(2009039)新疆煤田灭火工程处合作项目2008-2010
10. “山地采空区积水精细电磁勘探技术fb体育研究”(2008273)山西省煤炭地质115勘查院合作项目2008-2010
11. “煤炭能源领域的环境保护”(2009253)德国技术合作协会(gtz)有限公司合作项目,2009-2010 2010年7月28日验收
12. “综合电磁法高精度探测采空区积水技术fb体育研究”(20100321066)山西省科学技术发展计划(工业部分)项目,2010-1012
13. “提高积水采空区电磁法综合勘探精度技术fb体育研究”(200953)山西省煤炭地质局科研项目2009.10-2012.12
14. “多业务语音扩播应急撤人报警系统”山东枣庄付村煤矿合作项目(2010178),

1.基于主动网络技术的可编程移动IP网络及其应用 计算机工程 2005.7(EI 05199092930)
2.金库保险门安全纪录系统的设计 计算机工程 2005.7(EI 05199092961)
3.运动估计算法设计及FPGA实现 江苏大学学报 2007.4 (EI 073410776771)
4.基于背景差的码头运动船只检测 系统仿真学报 2007.18(EI 074210875904)
5.基于改进的混合高斯模型的运动目标检测 中国图象图形学报 2007.9
6.嵌入式Linux2.6核硬实时性能fb体育研究与优化 小型微型计算机系统 2009.8
7.不变伪线矩算法在运动船只目标识别中的应用 江苏大学学报(自然科学版) 31卷2010.1. p82-87 (EI 20101312808604)
8.Bo Xiaoming,Chen Zujue. “Call Admission Control for Multimedia CDMA Networks under Imperfect Power Control”. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol. 2834, pp. 478-488, Springer-Verlag, September 2003. (in English) (SCI BY05L)
9.Bo Xiaoming and Chen Zujue, “Call Admission and Capacity Analysis for Multimedia CDMA Networks Based on Outage Probability Constraint”. in Proc. of SPIE APOC’03, vol. 5284, SPIE Press, November 2003. (in English) (EI 04288257301)
10.Bo Xiaoming and Chen Zujue, “Novel Rate Allocation Scheme to Minimize Average Transmission Delay in CDMA Uplink”, in Proc. of SPIE APOC’03, vol. 5284, SPIE Press, November 2003. (in English) (EI 04288257283)
11 Chen Zujue,Luo Xing,Zhang Zhixiong. Research Reform on Embedded Linux’s Hard Real-time Capability in Application. The 2008 International Conference on Embedded Software and Systems Symposia(ICESS2008) 2008.7.29-31. (in English) (EI 084611693458)
12 Chen Zu-Jue,Zhang Zhi-Xiong,Zhang Jian-Jiang. Design and Implementation of Video Player System Based on Embedded System and Qt/E. Visual Information Engineering 2008(VIE 2008) 2008.7.29-8.1. (in English) (EI 20092712160952)
13 Chen Zu-Jue,Jia Wei,Zhang Zhi-Xiong. Video Monitoring System Based on Amending Model of Motion Vector. IIH-MSP 2008-The Fourth International Conference on Intelligent Information Hiding and Multimedia Signal Processing 2008.8.15-17. (in English) (EI 084311653616)
14 Chen Zu-Jue, Zhang Zhi-Xiong; Luo Xing. Efficient Block-matching Motion Estimation Algorithm Based on Temporal and Spatial Correlation for H.264. IIH-MSP 2008-The Fourth International Conference on Intelligent Information Hiding and Multimedia Signal Processing 2008.8.15-17. (in English) (EI 084311653535))
15 Chen Zu-Jue,Dong Qin, Wang Hong-Jin. Study on the Improved Framed Slotted ALOHA Anti-collision Algorithm. The 4th International Conference on Wireless Communications, Networking and Mobile Computing(WiCOM 2008) 2008.10.12-14. (in English) (EI 090111833582)
16 Chen Zu-Jue, Pei Pei, Zhu Yi. A TOA Estimation of Adaptive Noise Cancellation For UWB Wireless Sensor Networks. The 4th International Conference on Wireless Communications, Networking and Mobile Computing(WiCOM 2008) 2008.10.12-14. (in English) (EI 090111833148)
17 Xiao-Jun Chen, Zu-Jue Chen, Guang-Hua Xu. Research on the distance-aware WSN routing protocol applied in mine. The 4th International Conference on Wireless Communications, Networking and Mobile Computing(WiCOM 2008) 2008.10.12-14. (in English) (EI 090111833825)
18 Xiao-Jun Chen, Zu-Jue, Chen, Guang-Hua Xu. The research on routing protocol of sense wireless network in environmental monitoring. The 4th International Conference on Wireless Communications, Networking and Mobile Computing(WiCOM 2008) 2008.10.12-14. (in English) (EI 090111833783)
19 Chen Zujue, Liu, Cong. A New Buffer Strategy for Embedded Video-on-demand System. The 2nd International Conference on Image and Signal Processing 2009.10.17-19. (in English) (EI 20100212631222)
20 Chen Zujue, Feng Zhiwei. A New Fast Motion Estimation Method for H.264. The 2nd International Conference on Image and Signal Processing 2009.10.17-19. (in English) (EI 20100212631555)
21 Zujue Chen, Jianchun Bian, Zhiwei Feng. A Fast Mode Decision Method for Intra Prediction in AVS-M Video Coding. 2009 2nd IEEE International Conference on Broadband Network & Multimedia Technology 2009.10.18-20. (in English) (EI 20100412656355)
22 Yuan Xin,Chen Xiaojun, Chen Zujue. Application of invariant pseudo-line moment method on target recognition of moving vessels. (School of Computer Science and Telecommunications Engineering, Jiangsu University, Zhenjiang, Jiangsu 212013, China); Source: Jiangsu Daxue Xuebao (Ziran Kexue Ban)/Journal of Jiangsu University (Natural Science Edition),v31,n1,p82-87,January 2010.(in Chinese)(EI 20101312808604)
23 Zujue Chen LIU Shao-qing, ZHANG Xi-liang .Dynamic Grid Switch in Multi-Sink Mobile Sensor Networks.The 2th International Conference on Networks Security, Wireless Communications and Trusted Computing (NSWCTC2010) 24-25 April 2010, Wuhan,China p66-70. (in English) (EI 20102813070745)
24. Chen Zu-Jue, Ma Xie-Guang. Energy-balanced adaptive hierarchy routing protocol. 2010 International Conference on Educational and Information Technology, Proceedings(ICEIT 2010), v2, pV2390-V2394. (in English) (EI 20105013482656)
25 Chen Zu-jue, Cao Jie, Liu Shao-qing.A Fast Motion Estimation Optimization for H.264/AVC encoder.2010 IEEE International Conference on Wireless Communications, Networking andInformation Security (WCNIS2010). June 25-27,2010 (2) Beijing, China p116-119. (in English) (EI 20104113284084)
26 Chen Zu-jue,Cao Jie Efficient Fast Motion Estimation Optimization Based on the Improved Cross Search Template for H.264 The 2nd International Conference on Information Science and Engineering (ICISE 2010) Dec 4-6,2010 5 p3678-3681. (in English) (EI 20110913705284)
27 Chen zu-jue,Fu xian-xiang,Zhou xiang Image segmentation method based on improved adaptive genetic algorithm 6th China-Japan International Conference on Mechatronics 2010(CJCM’2010) Sep.10-12,2010(43) p Zhenjiang China (in English) (EI 20111213770575)
28 Chen zu-jue,Zhong zhi-hui,Yan shu Research and Design of Novel Fractal Reader Antenna 6th China-Japan International Conference on Mechatronics 2010(CJCM’2010) Sep.10-12,2010(43)p101-104 Zhenjiang China (in English) (EI 20110313585655)
29. Yu Xin,Chen Zujue;Cai Xiaolei Research on energy estimation mechanism for wireless sensor nodes 6th China-Japan International Conference on Mechatronics 2010(CJCM’2010) Sep.10-12,2010(43)p357-360 Zhenjiang China (in English) (EI 20110313585708)
30. Fu,Xian-Xiang;Chen, Zu-Jue;Zhao,Yong-Fu Image segmentation method based on fisher criterion and genetic algorithm 2011 International Conference on Advanced Materials and Computer Science, ICAMCS 2011 May 1, 2011 - May 2, 2011 Volume:474-476 p928-932 Chengdu, China (in English) (EI 20112013982986)
31. Chen,Zujue;Liu,Shaoqing;Huang,Jun Multi-tier Grid Routing to mobile sink in largescale wireless sensor networks Journal of Networks,v6,n5,p735-767,MAY2011 (in English) (EI 20112013988287)
32. Song, Xiaotian; Zhu, Yi; Yan, Shu; Chen, Zujue A study of integration for heterogeneous network positioning Key Engineering Materials, v464, p81-85,2011,Functional Manufacturing Technologies and Ceeusro II (in English) (EI 20111213770559)
33. Yin, Dongfu; Chen, Shuren; Pei, Wenchao; Zhou, Xiang; Chen, Zujue Experiment study of real-time recognition of weeds in cotton field based on DSP ICAE 2011 Proceedings: 2011 International Conference on New Technology of Agricultural Engineering, May 27,2011-May 29,2011 p258-262, ,Zibo, China (in English) (EI 20113114198628)

1.发明专利:由太阳能供电的带GPRS模块的汇聚节点系统 申请号:200810156433.0, 专利号:CN101399674
2.发明专利:无线传感器网络远程数据传输系统申请号:200910030013.2 专利号:CN101527733
3.发明专利:经由GSM的无线传感器网络远程数据传输体统 申请号:200920035484.8 专利号:CN101600168
5. 发明专利:130~1000℃高温煤田火区无线传感器网络监测节点及监测方法申请号: 201110119992.6
6.发明专利:井下应急撤人安全路线智能决策方法 申请号: 201110242575.0

1. “海关监管码头智能监控软件V1.0” 证书号:软著登字第088983号 登记号:2008SR01804
首次发表日期:2006年11月22日 著作权取得日期:2006年01月24日
2. “小发射回线瞬变电磁测深数据处理解释软件” 证书号:软著登字第0227108号,登记号:2010 SR038835 开发完成时间:2009年7月7日

1.微型计算机维护技术 副主编 机械工业出版社 2001年5月
2.Internet应用技术 副主编 武汉理工大学出版社 2003年1月

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